Quite High

Today was an rather uneventful day. I went to class and took a very long test in global studies. But the real event that happened was in math. A guy sits behind my friend. My friend sits next to me. We sit in the 2nd row from the back. So this guy's seat is against the back wall. We have lunch in the middle of the block so when we came back from lunch this guy told us that he was drunk off sanitizer. I tried to act friendly but he lacked common sense and was speaking to no one. He also acted weird. The teacher may not have realized but he stood up and left the room while my teacher was talking. He came back 5 minutes later. The teach asked him where he went. He was like, no wherr. So then this guy starts to show my friend pictures and videos of when he got caught by the popo smoking weed. And he also told the guy sitting in front of me that one time he used his house as an escape from the popo. All while he drunk and high. Oh well.